
My name is Elizabeth Cárdenas and I’m a writer. I have taught elementary school through adults. I recently resigned from teaching to pursue my dreams of writing and starting a business.  I’m originally from Lynwood, CA (Southern California), and I recently relocated to Northern California. I started this blog as a way to share my passion of writing with others. On a personal level, I enjoy running, reading, listening to music, and traveling. Follow me  in my journey as a writer! As always, I welcome comments and questions and I look forward to “talking” to you!

74 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Liz! Writing is a wonderful artform that I’m glad to know you are helping keep alive. I spend quite a bit of time working with my staff to improve their writing skills (memos, reports, etc.). Most are just out of high school and early into their college studies. Yet, they lack the most basic writing skills. They can text like there’s no tomorrow though 🙂
    I commend you and look forward to your book.


      1. Surely honored…I just add your Blog om page ”Blog Extras”, so people can find you too! And I also have a feature on my Blog which is called ”Star Blog”….you may also find yourself there someday…because I believe that every talent needs to be share! Have a great night.


  2. Thank you for visiting my blog! I also like to write, but I do it more like a salad or an omelette than like a well prepared meal…
    Do you have St Francis of Assisi ‘Canticle of the creatures’ ? I’ll find it in Italian in my old school book and send it you. It is beautiful. I’ll be seeing you in the future.


  3. Hola guapa de Tolosa, Francia, “old Europe”! 🙂 glad to have come across your blog… I’ll try to surf over asap… meanwhile, have a sunny day and good luck in all your endeavours, Mélanie


  4. Thank you for following my blog! It’s much appreciated! i will enjoy your writings too, I’m sure. In English I do not write that much, but in Swedish I do…so I envy you a bit on your journey!


  5. Hi Elizabeth, thanks for stopping by my blog. It gave me an opportunity to find yours. I applaud your commitment to write everything in English and Spanish, with acentos y todo… heehee which I was terrible at even though it is my first language. Incredibly, it is easier for me to write in English.

    I wish you many blessings in 2014 and hope the best for your New Year reso.
    Best wishes on your book as well!
    See you around 😀


    1. Thank you for visiting my blog, Pati. It’s a lot more work with a bilingual blog, but I I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂 Thank you for the wishes. I look forwarding to looking at your new work.



  6. Hi Liz,

    Thank you so much for the recent blog follow. It has led me to your blog, which I am now following. I live on the East Coast and love ‘meeting’ folks from all over the U.S.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Happy blogging!



  7. pues….otra bilingue? que bien!! thanks for your recent visit to my blog. I too share your passion for writing and I assume languages as well? I’m going to poke around a bit as I’m always interested to find other bloggers with similar interests. Es un placer en conocerte 🙂


      1. and I graduated with a Spanish degree from Cal State Northridge 🙂 See, I couldn’t tell which was your native tongue so that makes sense that you’ve known both basically your whole life. que bien 🙂


  8. Liz – If I may be so bold as to wonder about the quote you have posted here by Anais Nin – As I find that often the words that pass through my hands are not my own, they come through me, not from me. I am sure you understand … So is her meaning that the writer offers up the things that others could not, as they do not have that tuning. Just as the musician brings through beautiful notes or song, or the artist a vision others could not place on a canvas. I struggle with this, as I have never been trained as a writer, nor have I ever had the desire to be recognized as one. I started writing poetry as a young man the first time my heart got broken, and have continued to this day, although the subject of the heart has taken on a new meaning, as I like to express what I have learned about soul and Spirit, as much as I do about love and lovers.
    Thank you for lending an ear, I like that you use the expression Catholic by Culture, I usually tell others I was raised a Lutheran. I appreciate that you have taken that bold move to pursue your passion and Look forward to seeing your work. All the best – Peter


    1. Personally for me, the quote is quite literal. I write quite a bit about things (events) that I may not be able to tell others. For example, the post Catholic by Culture is a perfect example. My entire family, extended family, and the majority of my friends are Catholic. Some would understood, while the majority of them would not. I completely understand what you mean by “the words that pass through my hands are not my own.” I feel the same way, especially when I am very inspired. I feel that it is my Higher Power, Spirit, that gives me this creative, beautiful energy. I like your story about how you began to write. I started writing my memoir as a way to heal too from my failed marriage. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I look forward to reading more of your work. Kind regards- Liz


  9. Hi Elizabeth…thank you for stopping by my blog!…You have a wonderful blog. I used to work as a freelance copy editor and proofreader before. Going through your blog brings back those memories for me…:-)


    1. Likewise, Dilip. You have such a beautiful and optimistic look on life. I’ll be visiting your blog regularly now that I found it. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a great day and week!


  10. Thank you for the follow on Reticent Mental Property- I have returned the favor and very much enjoyed reading about your writing class– and signed up for their newsletter! I look forward to exploring your blog and getting to know you- Cheers- Ret


    1. Thank you so much for the follow. I’ll need to sign up for the newsletter, too. She is such a great writing teacher and professional. I look forward to reading your work, as well. You have a great blog, by the way. Blessings, Liz


  11. Thank you for following my blog (Converse with Kurti). I look forward to enjoying more of your writing. Cheers and best! 😀


  12. Mejor escritor,
    La paz sea con vosotros.

    Thanks for following my blog and your willingness to share thoughts and writings on the internet, reaching out to the world in English and Spanish.
    Spreading a positive look is also very important in this world which shall have to endure more problems and coming closer to the End-times people shall have to have made themselves stronger to cope with it. I do hope you shall be able to bring more positive tidings and a positive spirit into the world.

    Le deseo buena suerte con sus escritos


  13. Hi Liz! Thank you for follow me! 🙂
    Nice to meet you… I started my blog to share my passion of writing too.
    “See” you soon ❤



    1. Hi Brad! Thank you for visiting my blog! It wasn’t easy to leave a “good job,” but, I would do it all over again if I had to. It’s nice when you realize what you want to do in life. I think writing and/or photography may be your calling. I think you’re a great writer, and I learnt that photography is a passion of yours. Just trying to help you a little here. 🙂 Blessings, Liz

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